Reno Baseball Blog

Reno Baseball Blog

Friday, April 30, 2010

SKLZ Pitching machine.

Anyone have one of these? A player of mine has one and loves it. I've heard with that and the thin bat it works great on consistent contact training.

Will get one soon and write a review. Haven't been happy with the SKLZ products historically.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hands inside the ball part deux..

There is an earlier post about keeping your "hands inside the ball".

Here is a great drill to keep your kids from casting their hands away from their body and elongating the swing.

The other drill is facing the net. Hold the bat at your belt buckle extending toward the net so that you are the bat length away. Swing normally without hitting the net. This forces you to bring your hands through the zone first. The natural motion of your wrists and bat will "throw" the bat through the zone creating bat speed.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Great post on B. A. L. L.

Beyond Athletic Life Lessons or BALL is a site dedicated to the life lessons of sports. "Because life is more than just a game".

Today's post offers a wonderful analogy for those coaches who have to make tough decisions.

Here's the excerpt that caught my eye.

"Here's the point: The fact that I am only using the first eight that I take off the shelf doesn’t diminish the value of the four that are still sitting there, does it?"

Friday, April 23, 2010

The next pitch.

"Concentrate on the next pitch". That last play, that last pitch, the scoreboard, the fans.. none of that matters while we are executing that next pitch.

Know your role in the next pitch and then execute.

Or as Coach Chance Reynolds blogs here..

"As we stood there together on the bump, I told the young righty to take a deep breath, and gave him some of the best advice I ever received as a professional: "Now, slow the moment down.""

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pitch Hit and Run

Pitch Hit and Run Competion at the Washoe Fields on Sunday April 25th. Registration starts at 9:30. Run to our website for the Information, Registration and Waiver Form. Boys and Girls ages 7 - 14 - come one - come all!!!!

South Valleys Sports Complex (Yellow library fields).

Why the pros are pros.

Does everyone know Martin Prado of the Atlanta Braves? Starting Second Base. If you don't you should. He's 2nd in the National League in Average hitting .426. Top 10 in doubles, 2nd in the league with 20 hits.

Yet he's concerned about his mechanics. "It's good for me that all the results are happening in a good way right now," Prado says. "But in the long term, if you don't fix your mechanics, everything ends."

Here's a guy in the top 5 hitters right now in all of baseball and striving to get better.

Take the time in the cage to work on your swing. Strive to get better. Do everything with a purpose.

Then in the game, get up there and rip. Let your practice dictate your performance knowing that you've put in the time.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Break baseball

Your league shutting down for Spring Break?

Go to a camp if you are in town. is hosting a 4 day camp.

April 12-15, 2010 | 9:00am-12:00pm
South Valley's Complex Baseball Fields
$125.00 per player | Ages 7-13 |
Register Now | Details | Waiver Form

Visit one of our local batting cages!!

Tommy's Grand Slam  They have some good food.

WB   Over off Mira Loma.

Kelley Athletic  Hourly rentals.. Ask Brent for some tips!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Baseball Coaches Club

Paul Reddick of the, Yogi Berra baseball camps and many other accolades is starting a new coaches video club.